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    Research Progress on Cold Resistance of Wheat
    FANG Yuhui, HAN Liupeng, HUA Xia, ZHAO Mingzhong, GUO Rui, QI Xueli, HU Lin
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2022, 51 (4): 1-10.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2022.04.001
    Abstract491)      PDF (1275KB)(702)       Save
    The freeze injury is a frequent natural disaster in wheat production,which is one of the important environmental factors restricting wheat yield and quality. In this paper,the type of wheat freeze injury,the physiological mechanism(cell membrane system,osmotic adjustment substances,antioxidant system,photosynthetic characteristics and endogenous hormones)and molecular mechanisms(cold resistant genes,cold resistant omics) of wheat cold resistance were summarized. The problems and solutions in the study of wheat cold resistance were also discussed,which provided an important reference for the research of cold resistance mechanism and breeding of wheat.
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    Research Progress on Plant Phenomics in the Context of Smart Agriculture
    YANG Wenqing, LIU Tianxia, TANG Xingping, XU Guofu, MA Zhe, YANG Hekai, WU Wendou
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2022, 51 (7): 1-12.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2022.07.001
    Abstract552)      PDF (1262KB)(630)       Save
    China’s agriculture is in the key stage of changing from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture.Smart agriculture is an important embodiment of modern agricultural development and an inevitable trend of agricultural development in the future.Smart agriculture aims to deeply combine modern information technologies such as internet of things,artificial intelligence and big data with traditional agriculture to make agricultural production intelligent,green,standardized and digital.Plant phenomics is a science to study the characteristics of plant phenotypes,which is one of the key technologies for the development of smart agriculture.By collecting phenotypic data at all levels of cells,organs,tissues,plants and populations,plant phenomics extracts important trait information with high repeatability and high reliability from massive data,so as to provide data support and method support for gene mining,crop breeding and accurate management of agricultural production process.This paper reviews the development status of plant phenomics under the background of smart agriculture from the aspects of phenotypic data collection and analysis and the construction of plant phenotypic analysis platform at home and abroad,summarizes the application of plant phenomics research in smart agricultural production,and finally looks forward to the future development trend of plant phenomics.

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    Research Progress on Preparation and Application of Straw Wood Vinegar
    ZHAO Shuheng, LI Zhuojie, LIU Xiaofeng, HU Jianjun, DING Yanbo
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2022, 51 (1): 1-10.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2022.01.001
    Abstract477)      PDF (1429KB)(545)       Save
    Wood vinegar,as a valuable acidic by‐product in the process of biomass pyrolysis for carbon production,is rich in various organic compounds such as acids,alcohols,phenols,aldehydes,esters,ethers and a small amount of metal elements,which has a high application value.In the raw material of wood vinegar,because of low lignin content and poor quality in straw,the development and application of straw wood vinegar are slow.However,the study of straw wood vinegar is of great significance to the utilization of agricultural waste and has a broad development prospect.In order to provide references for the further development and efficient utilization of straw wood vinegar,the crude preparation and refining technology of straw wood vinegar were introduced,the composition and physicochemical properties of straw wood vinegar were summarized,and the research and application progresses of straw wood vinegar in agriculture,medicine and health and other fields were reviewed.
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    Optimization of CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing Systems in Protoplasts of Setaria italica
    LIU Guangyu, XU Xiaojing, XIA Keke, SUN Haixi, TAO Yueru, CUI Zhen, GU Ying
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2022, 51 (1): 34-42.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2022.01.005
    Abstract494)      PDF (1847KB)(497)       Save
    To optimize and screen efficient genome editing systems in millet(Setaria italica),multiple CRISPR/Cas9(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISRP‐associated nuclease 9)genome editing systems were constructed with six kinds of gRNAs designed for phytoene desaturase(SiPDS) gene(gRNA1—gRNA2 for exon 1,gRNA3—gRNA6 for exon 12),and transformed into protoplasts of millet by polyethylene glycol‐mediated method. Then the mutation efficiency against SiPDS gene was rapidly detected by large‐scale parallel sequencing. The results showed that the protoplast transformation system established by the young stems of 7 day‐old millet etiolated seedlings had high transformation efficiency from 50. 44% to 57. 36%. Using this method,the gene editing systems with Cas9 gene driven by Super and Ubi promoters were transferred into millet protoplasts,the mutation efficiencies of SiPDS gene were 0. 5% and 5. 5% respectively. Thus,the Cas9 gene of gene editing systems with single gRNA,double gRNA or tRNA cassettes were driven by Ubi promoter,and mutation efficiency of SiPDS gene induced by these systems was compared. It was found that the mutation efficiencies of gene editing system with double gRNA cassettes such as Ubi‐dgRNAE1 and Ubi‐dgRNAE12 were 1. 66 and 1. 11 times higher than that with single gRNA system. The mutation efficiency induced by tRNA‐based system Ubi‐tRNA was 51. 24%,which was 5. 87 times higher than that with single gRNA system. Moreover,Ubi‐tRNA could simultaneously edit multiple sites of SiPDS gene,the multi‐site mutation frequency was 3. 23%. The cleavage activities in vitro of ribonucleoprotein(RNP)complexes which were mixture of gRNA3,gRNA4 or gRNA5 transcripts with Cas9 protein respectively were compared,it was found that RNP‐gRNA5 complex had the highest cleavage activity in vitro,the mutation efficiency of SiPDS gene was 2. 0%,and the dominant mutation type was deletion less than 3 bp.

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    Research Progress on Mechanism and Application of Reductive Soil Disinfection(RSD)in Prevention and Control of Continuous Cropping Obstacles of Facility Soil and Vegetable
    WANG Guangyin, GUO Weili, CHEN Bihua, PAN Feifei, HUANG Xinqi, CAI Zucong, ZHOU Jianhua, GU Guilan
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2023, 52 (1): 1-10.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2023.01.001
    Abstract287)      PDF (1283KB)(399)       Save
    Reductive soil disinfestation(RSD) is an environment‑friendly method,which has the characteristics of inhibiting soil‑borne pathogens and improving soil physicochemical properties.It has been successfully applied to prevent and control the continuous cropping obstacle in facility soil and vegetable production.In order to provide theoretical reference for the mechanism and application study of RSD to prevent and control soil continuous cropping obstacles,this paper summarizes the mechanism research progress of RSD to prevent and control soil continuous cropping obstacle,introduces the specific application of RSD in facility soil and vegetable production in recent years,and prospects the future research and application of RSD.
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    Research and Application of Lightweight Yolov7‐TSA Network in Tea Disease Detection and Identification
    LI Weihao, ZHAN Wei, ZHOU Wan, HAN Tao, WANG Peiwen, LIU Hu, XIONG Mengyuan, SUN Yong
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2023, 52 (5): 162-169.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2023.05.019
    Abstract228)      PDF (3989KB)(393)       Save
    Aiming at the problems of low accuracy,slow model running speed and no detection function of the existing tea disease identification methods,a novel Yolov7‐TSA(Yolov7‐Tiny‐SiLU‐Attention)lightweight network architecture was proposed to detect and classify tea diseases.Specifically,the LeakReLU activation function in the Yolov7‐T network was replaced with the SiLU activation function to improve detection accuracy and prevent overfitting.Meanwhile,the feature perception of target contour and spatial location was further improved by fusing the coordinate attention mechanism. Experiments on the dataset containing eight tea diseases(including healthy tea leaves) showed that the recognition accuracy of Yolov7‐TSA network reached 94.2%,which was 3.2 and 1.2 percentage points higher compared to Yolov7‐T and Yolov7 networks,respectively.Furthermore,it showed significant results in terms of parameters,floating point operations,model size and inference time per image,which were reduced by 83%,87%,83% and 34%,respectively,compared to the Yolov7 network. The network model achieves the detection and classification of tea diseases when balancing recognition accuracy and real‐time performance.

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    Research Progress on Function of ROP Protein in Plant Growth and Development and Stress Response
    GUO Yaru, CHEN Xin, HUANG Junjun
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2021, 50 (11): 1-5.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2021.11.001
    Abstract385)      PDF (1459KB)(392)       Save
    ROP(Rho‑related GTPases from plants)protein is a type of plant‑specific small G protein,which plays an important role in plant signal transduction,and can regulate plant growth and development and stress response. The structure of ROP protein,roles of ROP protein in the growth and development of plant pollen tubes and root hairs,and plant resistance to low temperature,drought,high salt,pests and diseases were reviewed,and the future research directions were prospected,so as to provide a theoretical basis for the application of ROP protein in plant breeding.

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    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2022, 51 (4): 0-.  
    Abstract72)      PDF (225978KB)(391)       Save
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    Research Progress on Fine Mapping of QTLs for Yield Components of Rice
    BAI Tianliang, LI Jie, RAN Jie, YANG Hui, QIAO Chengbin, LI Peifu, TIAN Lei
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2022, 51 (8): 1-8.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2022.08.001
    Abstract434)      PDF (1301KB)(389)       Save
    Rice is one of major food crops,and its yield is very important for world food security.The yield components are key regulating factors for improvement of rice yield,which are often manifested as complex quantitative traits controlled by multiple genes. It is of great significance to explore favorable yield genes for high yield of rice. QTL mapping is an important method for identifying genes associated with excellent agronomic traits in crops.This paper elaborated the strategies of QTL fine mapping and population selection,reviewed the research progress on QTL fine mapping of three key yield components of rice,namely panicle number,grain number per panicle and grain weight,map⁃based cloning and functional analysis,and put forward the breeding strategy of rational utilization of rice yield component genes,so as to provide reference and theoretical basis for cloning excellent yield traits genes and unraveling the genetic mechanisms of yield traits in rice.
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    Research Advances in Biological Control of Pepper Fusarium Wilt
    ZHAO Zhixiang, YAN Wanrong, WANG Bao, HE Shu, ZENG Xiangping, XIAO Tongbin
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2022, 51 (4): 11-21.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2022.04.002
    Abstract324)      PDF (1298KB)(388)       Save
    Fusarium wilt of pepper caused by Fusarium oxysporum is one of the soil‑borne diseases restricting the production of pepper.At present,effective disease‑resistant materials are still lacking,and chemical agents could not control it completely,at the same time causing problems such as environmental pollution,pesticide residues,and bacterial resistance and so on.The use of microorganisms and their metabolites,plant extracts and other biological pesticides for prevention and control can not only control the occurrence of diseases,but also not damage the ecological environment and endanger the health of humans and animals.Biological control meets the requirements of agricultural sustainable development,and has become a hot research topic.In this paper,the research progress of microbial species,plant sources and their biocontrol mechanisms used for the biological control of pepper Fusarium wilt in recent twenty years was reviewed. The existing problems of biocontrol products were analysed,and the future development direction of biocontrol of pepper Fusarium wilt was prospected.
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    Isolation and Identification of Soil Bacterial Strains Metabolizing Propionic Acid
    DU Cuiying, LU Jiayi, HU Lang, YAO Guoxin, DAI Yujun, LI Jing, ZHENG Cao
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2021, 50 (10): 69-75.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2021.10.009
    Abstract244)      PDF (1595KB)(387)       Save
    Isolation and identification of soil bacterial strains that metabolize propionic acid can enrich the scientific understanding of the bacterial types which are able to metabolize propionic acid in nature.Through soil sample pre‑culture,solid plate culture by using propionic acid as the sole carbon source,aswell as morphological observation and the 16S rDNA sequences homologous analysis methods,the targetbacterial strains that were capable of metabolizing propionic acid were isolated and identified.Further,the key enzyme genes of 2‑methylcitrate cycle,the propionic acid metabolizing pathway,in the obtained target strains were analyzed by bioinformatics method.A total of 10 target bacterial strains were isolated and successfully classified:3 strains of Bacillus genus,2 strains of Rhodococcus genus,and 1 strain each for Arthrobacter genus,Streptomyces genus,Microbacterium genus,Isoptericola genus,and Xylanimicrobium genus.Besides,the ability of these bacteria to metabolize propionic acid was significantly different.Bioinformatics analysis showed that most of the strains contained the key enzyme genes of 2‑methylcitrate cycle,and the arrangement of the key enzyme genes was not consistent in different types of bacteria.
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    Research Progress on Effect of High Temperature on Maize at Flowering Stage
    WANG Huitao, YUAN Liuzheng, LIU Jiayou, WANG Huiqiang, ZHU Shidie, YUAN Manman, WANG Qiuling
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2022, 51 (9): 1-9.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2022.09.001
    Abstract221)      PDF (1281KB)(377)       Save
    The high temperature at flowering stage not only reduces maize yield,but also decreases grain quality,which has a great impact on maize production. The effects of high temperature at flowering stage on maize physiological and biochemical characteristics,ear development,yield,grain quality were reviewed,and the research progress of maize genes related to heat tolerance was summarized under high temperature stress at flowering stage,which could lay a foundation for high temperature stress research in maiz
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    Effects of Planting Pattern and Sowing Date on Nitrogen Translocation and Yield of Winter Wheat
    YU Meng, GU Xiaobo, LI Yuannong, CHEN Pengpeng, YANG Jinyu, LI Yupeng
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2021, 50 (10): 27-36.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2021.10.004
    Abstract210)      PDF (1426KB)(365)       Save
    The field experiments were conducted to explore the effect of different sowing dates[normal sowing(D0:October 14),postponed sowing(D1:October 21;D2:October 28)]and planting patterns[ridge‑furrow with full film mulching(RM),flat planting with full film mulching(FM)and flat planting without mulching(NM)]on the dry weight,nitrogen accumulation,nitrogen transport rate,the contribution rate of nitrogen to grains and yield of winter wheat,so as to provide theoretical basis for the proper arrangement of sowing date in response to tight farming time,delayed autumn rain and climate change and realizing high and stable yield of winter wheat. The results showed that as a whole,proper postponed sowing date(D1)increased the dry weight of leaves and stems at flowering stage,nitrogen accumulation in leaves at flowering and mature stages,nitrogen transport rate in leaves(55.4%)and the contribution rate of nitrogen to grains(104.2%),but decreased the number of grains per spike,effective spikes number and yield. At the same sowing date,compared with NM treatment,RM and FM treatments generally increased the dry weight of winter wheat at all stages,improved the ear traits and yields,and the increase of yield of RM treatment was greater than that of FM treatment. RM treatment mainly increased the nitrogen accumulation in leaves,FM treatment increased the nitrogen accumulation in stems,and both increased the number of effective spikes and yields. The number of grains per spike of RMD0 treatment was the most,and the greatest 1 000‑grain weight was obtained in NMD0 treatment. The effective spikes number of FMD0 treatment was the highest,which was 54. 4% higher than that of NMD0 treatment.Compared with NMD0 treatment,the yield of all treatments under RM and FM increased significantly,FMD0 treatment increased by 74. 9%,RMD0,RMD2 and RMD1 treatments increased by 61. 3%,46.2% and 44.6% respectively.In conclusion,ridge‑furrow with full film mulching under postponed sowing date and flat planting with full film mulching under normal sowing date could ensure the high and stable yield of winter wheat.
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    Research Progress on the Effects of Ecological Factors on Tobacco Aroma Characteristics
    LIU Jingjing, CUI Guangzhou, DUAN Wangjun, WANG Weimin, ZHANG Li, JIA Wei, XU Zicheng, XU Jiayang
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2023, 52 (2): 1-11.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2023.02.001
    Abstract321)      PDF (1699KB)(363)       Save
    Aroma substance is an important quality factor to measure the quality of tobacco leaves.The formation of aroma style of high quality tobacco leaves is easily restricted by ecological factors.In this paper,four important aroma precursors in tobacco were introduced,and the difference of aroma substance content in different aroma types of tobacco was analyzed. The effects of different ecological factors on tobacco aroma substances were reviewed from two aspects:abiotic factors(light,temperature,rainfall,soil,altitude)and biological factors(soil microorganisms).The relationship between aroma substances and tobacco aroma characteristics was further discussed,and the effects of aroma precursors and ecological factors on tobacco aroma were summarized. Finally,the future research direction was prospected,in order to provide new ideas for the study on rational planting and quality improvement of tobacco.
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    Research Progress on Germplasm Resources Identification and Breeding of Chinese Yam
    DONG Junmei, LI Jinchao, MENG Yijiang, YANG Taixin, GE Shujun
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2021, 50 (11): 6-14.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2021.11.002
    Abstract302)      PDF (1544KB)(359)       Save
    Chinese yam is native to China and is one of medicinal and edible homologous Chinese herbal medicines.Over quite a long time of cultivation,abundant genetic variations have been accumulated in yam populations,which possess high and potential values for germplasm screening and breeding.The paper reviewed the research progress on germplasm resources genetic diversity based on morphological characters,cytology,molecular markers and quality traits separately,summarized the breeding methods and the breeding results,and then gave some suggestions on germplasm identification and breeding methods.The paper can provide a reference for enhancing the exploitation and utilization efficiency of germplasm and accelerating the research of Chinese yam breeding.
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    New Research Progress of bZIP Transcription Factors in Improving Plant Stress Resistance
    HAO Hongyan, SANG Huitong, LÜ Shanhua, FAN Yinglun, LI Haiyun
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2023, 52 (4): 1-8.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2023.04.001
    Abstract232)      PDF (1297KB)(355)       Save
    Plants will be hurt when encountering adversity,and genetic engineering technology is a quick and effective way to improve plant stress resistance. As one of the most diverse and relatively conserved gene families in higher plants,basic leucine zipper(bZIP) transcription factors play an important regulatory role in plant resistance to low temperature,drought,salinity,pests and other biotic and abiotic stresses.In this paper,the structure,classification of bZIP transcription factors in plants and the new research progress in improving plant resistance to abiotic(drought,high temperature,low temperature,high salinity,nutrient deficiency,etc.)and biotic stresses were reviewed,so as to provide references for the utilization of bZIP transcription factors and the genetic improvement of plant stress resistance.
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    Validation of Molecular Markers Related to Pre‑harvest Sprouting Resistance in High‑Quality Wheat Varieties
    LI Yaqing, ZHANG Nan, PENG Yifeng, ZHANG Shichang, LI Mengjun
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2021, 50 (10): 18-26.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2021.10.003
    Abstract371)      PDF (1873KB)(351)       Save
    The molecular markers of six wheat(Triticum aestivum)genes[ Tamyb10 ,TaDFR(dihydroflavone reductase), TaVp‑1(Viviparous‑1), TaSdr(seed dormancy), TaPM19 ‑A1(plasma membrane 19‑A1)and TaMFT(mother of FT and TFL1)]related to pre‑harvest sprouting resistance was validated using seed germination indices of 42 high‑quality wheat varieties,so as to lay a foundation for the selection and breeding of high quality wheat varieties resistant to panicle germination. The results showed that two allelic variations for all the six genes( Tamyb10 ,TaDFR,TaVp‑1 ,TaSdr,TaPM19 ‑A1 and TaMFT)was identified in 42 high‑quality wheat varieties,and the proportion of favourite alleles was obviously different,which ranged from 4.8% to 78.6%,but the Vp‑1 Bb allele was not detected.The correlation analysis between allelic variations and germination indices showed that myb10D,MFT‑3A and MFT‑A2 were significantly correlated with pre‑harvest sprouting resistance,but the correlations between DFR‑B,Vp1B3,Sdr2A,Sdr2B,PM19‑A1 and pre‑harvest sprouting resistance were not significant.The STS marker myb10D could be applied in pre‑harvest sprouting resistance screening of red‑grain high‑quality wheat varieties,while the CAPS marker MFT‑3A and the STS marker MFT‑A2 could be applied in pre‑harvest sprouting resistance screening of white‑grain high‑quality wheat varieties.TaMFT maybe plays an important role in pre‑harvest sprouting resistance mechanism of high‑quality wheat varieties.
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    Screening and Evaluation of Maize Varieties with High Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Huang‑Huai‑Hai Region
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2021, 50 (10): 10-17.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2021.10.002
    Abstract1241)      PDF (2457KB)(341)       Save
    Forty‑one summer maize varieties,which are composed of the main varieties and the varieties that will be spread in the future in maize production in Huang‑Huai‑Hai region,were selected as experimental materials.Two nitrogen(N)rates of 225 kg/ha(normal N rate)and 180 kg/ha(reducing 20% of normal N rate)were set up.The grain yields and N efficiencies of different maize varieties were analyzed under different N rates,maize varieties were divided into different types according to yield and N efficiencies,and maize varieties with high yield and N use efficiency were selected,so as to lay the foundation for reducing N fertilizer and increasing N use efficiency and protecting environment during maize production.The results indicated that Jingke 999(JK999)got the highest yield under the two N rates,and Zhongyu 303(ZY303)had higher yield. Shengyuan 96(SY96)got the lowest yield of 8.74 t/ha under normal N rate,while Longdan 639(LD639)got the lowest yield of 7.68 t/ha under reducing 20% of normal N rate.Cluster analysis showed that JK999 and ZY303 were the high‑yield varieties. The variation trend of N efficiency was consistent with yield of maize varieties under different N rates. The nitrogen efficiency classification result showed that,17 varieties including JK999 and ZY303 were high N efficiency type under both low and high N rates,5 varieties including Denghai 717(DH1717)and Youdi 919(YD919)were high N efficiency type under high N rate,5 varieties including Zhengdan 958(ZD958) and Jingnongke 728(JNK728)were high N efficiency type under low N rate. By considering the nitrogen efficiency and yield,JK999 and ZY303 could be used in large area as high‑yield and ‑N use efficiency varieties.
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    Comparison and Comprehensive Evaluation of Quality of 20 Potato Varieties
    ZHANG Fan, LI Yuan, CHEN Mengru, XING Yingying, WANG Xiukang
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2022, 51 (8): 28-36.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2022.08.004
    Abstract1286)      PDF (1368KB)(326)       Save
    The tuber yield per plant,starch content,reducing sugar content,soluble sugar content,vitamin C content and protein content of 20 potato varieties were analyzed,and the comprehensive evaluation of quality was done by principal component analysis,membership function method and cluster analysis,so as to screen out potato varieties with good quality and suitable for different processing purposes and cultivation in Yulin City. The results showed that there were great differences in quality indexes among different potato varieties.The variation coefficients of tuber yield per plant,starch content,reducing sugar content,soluble sugar content,vitamin C content and protein content were 46.76%,50.07%,50.66%,64.79%,33.72% and 68.10% respectively.The tuber yield per plant and starch content of Longshu 11 were the highest,the reducing sugar content of LZ112 was the highest,the soluble sugar content of Longshu 9 was the highest,the vitamin C content and protein content of Laohongpi were the highest.The results of principal component analysis showed that the quality indexes of 20 potato varieties could be expressed by four principal components(the cumulative variance contribution rate was 90.448%),and the representative indexes of each component were protein content,starch content,soluble sugar content and reducing sugar content respectively. Then,comprehensive evaluation was carried out by membership function method and cluster analysis.The results showed that seven varieties with better quality were screened out,accounted for 35.0% of the tested varieties,one variety(Dingshu 3)could be used for both vegetable and starch processing,one variety(Ganyinshu 1)could be used for whole flour processing and fried food processing,one variety(Longshu 11)could be used for starch processing after large⁃scale cultivation,two varieties(L08104⁃12 and Feurita)could be processed as whole flour,and two varieties(Jizhangshu 12 and Longshu 9)could be used for fried food processing.

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    Research Progress on Plant DNA Methylation under Heavy Metal Stress
    GUO Tianjiao, AN Penghu, WEI Zhuangzhuang, JIA Guotao, XU Xiaobo, WEI Gang, HUANG Wuxing
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2021, 50 (10): 1-9.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2021.10.001
    Abstract455)      PDF (1349KB)(315)       Save
    DNA methylation often occurs at the fifth carbon position of cytosine,which is widespread in plants responding to heavy metal stress.The research progresses in plant DNA methylation mechanisms,the effects of different heavy metal stresses on DNA methylation,DNA methylation related research techniques,and the heritability of DNA methylation were reviewed,with a view to breeding of new varieties with stronger stress resistance.
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    Research Progress of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Vaccine for Piglets
    LÜ Linfen, PANG Shengmei, LI Baoliang, LIANG Yuxuan, DUAN Qiangde
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2023, 52 (5): 1-8.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2023.05.001
    Abstract171)      PDF (1262KB)(313)       Save
    Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli(ETEC)is an important pathogen causing diarrhea of piglets in the world. Various strategies such as giving antibiotics in the feed,oral administration of specific antibodies,dietary and diet supplementary treatment,and genetic breeding have been used to prevent and treat ETEC infection.Compared with other preventive measures,vaccination is the most economical and effective mean to prevent diarrhea of piglets caused by ETEC.In this paper,the latest research progress of ETEC vaccine for porcine was reviewed,the challenges in ETEC vaccine research were analyzed,and the research strategies for effective vaccines were proposed,in order to provide the basis for the development of novel,safe,efficient and broad‐spectrum ETEC vaccines.
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    Effect of Stropharia rugosoannulata‑Maize Rotation on Straw Degradation,Soil Physico‑chemical Properties,Yield and Economic Benefit of Crops
    LIU Gaoyuan, HE Ailing, DU Jun, XUE Guangyuan, YANG Huanhuan, YANG Zhanping, PAN Xiuyan, XU Jidong, ZHANG Yuting
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2021, 50 (10): 60-68.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2021.10.008
    Abstract358)      PDF (1468KB)(307)       Save
    With the wheat‑maize rotation[WM,3 t/ha(WM3),6 t/ha(WM6)and 9 t/ha(WM9)maize straws were returned to the field]as control,the effects of Stropharia rugosoannulata‑maize rotation(SM,total maize straw input was 120 t/ha)on straw degradation rate,straw lignocellulosic components,soil physico‑chemical properties,crop yields and economic benefits were studied,so as to provide new ideasfor promoting straw conversion and improving soil fertility. The results showed that,the straw degradation rate of SM treatment was 73.1%,which significantly increased by 35.4—46.7 percentage points compared with WM treatments.Compared with WM treatments,the contents of cellulose,hemicellulose and lignin of residual straws of SM treatment significantly decreased by 40.7%—57.1%,29.9%—50.2% and 12.1%—17.3%,respectively.The soil water content of SM treatment significantly increased by 5.4—8.7 percentage points compared with WM treatments,soil bulk density of SM treatment significantly decreased by 9.4% and 6.5% compared with WM3 and WM6 treatments,and soil porosity of SM treatment significantly increased by 5.7 and 4.0 percentage points compared with WM3 and WM6 treatments.The contents of soil organic matter,available phosphorus and available potassium of SM treatment significantly increased by 17.7%—31.1%,42.2%—65.9% and 14.2%—24.5% compared with WM treatments,and soil alkali hydrolysable nitrogen content of SM treatment significantly increased by 18.5% compared with WM3 treatment. The yields of Stropharia rugosoannulata and maize of SM treatment were 33 543.1 kg/ha and 10 266.9 kg/ha,and maize yield of SM treatment significantly increased by 13.9%—22.9% compared with WM treatments,but maize yields were not significantly different among WM3,WM6 and WM9 treatments.The economic benefit of SM treatment increased by 96 600—99 100 Yuan/ha compared with WM treatments.In conclusion,Stropharia rugosoannulata‑maize rotation can not only promote straw degradation and improve soil fertility,but also increase economic benefit,so it is an effective measure to realize straw resources utilization and soil fertility improvement.

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    Effects of UAV Flight Height on Prediction Model of Plant Nitrogen Accumulation in Winter Wheat
    JING Yuhang, GUO Yan, ZHANG Huifang, RONG Yasi, ZHANG Shaohua, FENG Wei, WANG Laigang, HE Jia, LIU Haijiao, ZHENG Guoqing
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2022, 51 (2): 147-158.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2022.02.018
    Abstract923)      PDF (10477KB)(306)       Save
    UAV has the advantage of obtaining crop information quickly,efficiently and non‑destructively,and is widely used in modern agriculture. However,the flight height of UAV directly affects the efficiency of obtaining crop information. In this study,UAV remote sensing images with different resolutions were obtained at the jointing,flowering and filling stages of winter wheat by setting flight altitudes of 30 m, 60 m and 90 m,to explore and analyze the impact of UAV flight altitude on the prediction model of winter wheat plant nitrogen accumulation. Firstly,six vegetation indices(NDVI,RDVI,RERDVI,GBNDVI,OSAVI,EXG)and four texture features(Green‑mean,Green‑sm,Red‑mean,Red‑var)were screened out by correlation and collinearity analysis between different height of vegetation indices,texture features and nitrogen accumulation of winter wheat. Based on the selected vegetation index and texture characteristics,the prediction models of nitrogen accumulation of winter wheat plant were established with vegetation index,texture feature and vegetation index+texture feature by using PLSR and BPNN methods,and the models were cross‑verified at different heights. The stability of the models was analyzed by R²,RMSE and RPD indices. The results showed that the prediction models established with vegetation index,texture feature and vegetation index+texture feature extracted from 30 m UAV images had the best stability by the two methods. The R 2 ,RMSE and RPD ranges of the three models with different information were 0.57—0.89,1.27—4.16 g/m2 and 1.67—3.65,respectively. The stability of BPNN model constructed under the three kinds of modeling information was better than that of PLSR on the whole.The R 2 and RPD of the verification model were improved in the range of 0.01—0.39 and 0.05—1.44,respectively. RMSE decreased by 0.08—8.53 g/m 2.The order of stability of the prediction models for plant nitrogen accumulation was vegetation index+texture feature>vegetation index>texture feature. The vegetation index,texture feature and vegetation index+texture feature of remote sensing images from three UAV flight heights were combined to predict plant nitrogen accumulation,which could improve the estimation accuracy( R 2 ,RMSE and RPD ranges were 0.89—0.93,1.80—2.03 g/m 2 and 3.54—4.03,respectively).Therefore,when considering the efficiency and accuracy,the flight height of UAV should be increased appropriately for efficient nitrogen accumulation prediction with comprehensive utilization of vegetation index and texture feature.
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    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2023, 52 (5): 0-.  
    Abstract31)      PDF (31822KB)(306)       Save
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    Current Status and Progress of Research on Soil Water Movement and Distribution in Subsurface Drip Irrigation
    WANG Dongbo, QIAN Zhiyong, WANG Dong, HUANG Guoliang, YANG Zhenjie, ZHANG Yijie
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2023, 52 (12): 1-13.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2023.12.001
    Abstract222)      PDF (1989KB)(306)       Save
    The movement and distribution of soil water under subsurface drip irrigation has always been a hot topic in academic circles. In order to clarify the research progress of influencing factors of soil water migration and distribution under subsurface drip irrigation,the basic principles,main characteristics and development history of subsurface drip irrigation technology were summarized.The research methods and conclusions of soil water migration and distribution under different subsurface drip irrigation methods were systematically expounded,and the application status of numerical simulation technology in soil water distribution law research was introduced.The key factors affecting soil water migration and distribution under subsurface drip irrigation conditions were comprehensively analyzed.The current research status and development bottlenecks were summarized,and the future research direction was prospected,in order to provide theoretical reference for further research and improvement of irrigation water use efficiency.
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    A Method for Monitoring the Critical Growth Stages of Winter Wheat by Using Near‑earth Remote Sensing
    WEI Qingwei, ZHU Liming , WANG Fuzhou
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2021, 50 (10): 163-171.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2021.10.021
    Abstract858)      PDF (2022KB)(297)       Save
    The aim is to explore the effective method for monitoring the critical growth stages of winter wheat.Firstly,the device for measuring normalized vegetation index(SRS‑NDVI)was used to monitor time series normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI)of winter wheat growing season in 2017—2018 and 2018—2019 at Hebi Agrometeorological Experimental Station. Then,the neighborhood difference analysis method was used to reconstruct time series normalized difference vegetation index,and the S‑G filtering method(Savitzky‑golay,S‑G)was used to smooth the noise in normalized difference vegetation index time series.Finally,according to the characteristics of normalized difference vegetation index time series,the generalized dynamic threshold method,curve rate method and extreme value method were used to extract the key growth stages of winter wheat. The results showed that the neighborhood difference analysis method could effectively remove obvious abnormal values in normalized difference vegetation index time series. Besides,the normalized difference vegetation index time series processed by S‑G filtering method was more in line with the normalized difference vegetation index change rule of winter wheat.In addition,the average error of the critical growth stages of winter wheat was 2. 5 days,and the accuracy was significantly higher than that extracted by using satellite remote sensing.
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    Research Progress on the Relationship between Intestinal Barrier Damage and Intestinal Inflammation Development in Fish
    CHEN Xiumei, WANG Guiqin, SHAN Xiaofeng, QIAN Aidong
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2022, 51 (5): 1-9.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2022.05.001
    Abstract621)      PDF (2076KB)(289)       Save
    Fish intestinal barrier mainly includes biological,chemical,mechanical and immune barriers.Its barrier function plays an important role in maintaining the intestinal homeostasis,and will affect the intestinal health once the damage occurs. A large number of studies have shown that intestinal barrier damage was closely related to intestinal inflammation,and intestinal barrier damage induced by various factors could lead to intestinal inflammation. Therefore,domestic and foreign research progress on the relationship of fish intestinal barrier damage and intestinal inflammation development is reviewed.Based on understanding of the structure and function of intestinal barrier in fish,this paper analyzes the relationship between intestinal barrier injury and intestinal inflammation in fish,and explores the control strategy of intestinal inflammation in fish based on the pathway of stablizing intestinal barrier,to provide
    new methods for intestinal inflammation prevention in fish and other aquatic animals.
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    Biological Control of Sharp Eyespot and Growth Promotion in Wheat by Bacillus velezensis YB‑145
    XIA Mingcong, DENG Xiaoxu, QI Hongzhi, XIE Xia, XU Wen, ZHANG Jie, SUN Runhong, PAN Yamei, WU Chao, YANG Lirong
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2021, 50 (10): 76-83.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2021.10.010
    Abstract422)      PDF (4427KB)(285)       Save
    The aim was to find an excellent strain with growth‑promoting effect on wheat and efficient control of wheat sharp eyespot. Firstly,the inhibitory effect of strain YB‑145 on mycelial growth of six plant pathogens,including Rhizoctonia cerealisFusarium oxysporum f.sp. niveumBipolaris sorokinana, Alternaria solani,Fusarium moniliforme and Fusarium graminearum PH‑1 was studied in dual cultures on PDA plates. Furthermore,the strain was identified according to its morphological,physiological and biochemical characteristics and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The growth‑promoting effect of strain YB‑145 on wheat and its biological control effect on sharp eyespot were determined by Petri dish,pot and field experiments. The results showed that strain YB‑145 was identified as Bacillus velezensis,which could produce IAA(indole acetic acid)and siderophores and had extracellular protease and β‑1,3‑glucanase activities. In dual cultures, Bacillus velezensis YB‑145 significantly inhibited mycelial growth of 6 plant pathogens,especially R. cerealis. Bacillus velezensis YB‑145 at doses of 1×107 cfu/mL and 1×108 cfu/mL significantly promoted growth of wheat seedlings with more fresh weight of roots,fresh weight of shoots and height of shoots.Moreover,the efficacy of Bacillus velezensis YB‑145 at a doses of 1×108 cfu/mL in controlling wheat sharp eyespot reached 73.31%. Field investigation showed that the control effect of strain YB‑145 on sharp eyespot was up to 63.37% and the yield of wheat increased by 8.2%. The control effect(73.65%)and yield‑increasing rate of wheat(5.8%)of the treatment with 6% tebuconazole suspension had no significant difference with YB‑145. The above results demonstrate that Bacillus velezensis YB‑145 is a promising biological control agent to both promote wheat growth and suppress wheat sharp eyespot.
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    Identification of Pathogens Causing Salvia miltiorrhiza Root Rot Disease in Henan Province
    YANG Jin, WEN Yi, GAO Suxia, LIU Yuxia, LU Chuantao, WANG Fei, LIU Hongyan
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2021, 50 (10): 92-98.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2021.10.012
    Abstract291)      PDF (4442KB)(278)       Save
    To clarify the pathogenic species and distribution of root rot of Salvia miltiorrhiza in Henan Province,the incidence of root rot on S. miltiorrhiza in Yuzhou,Mianchi,Fangcheng and Songxian of Henan Province was investigated. In addition,the pathogens were isolated from S.miltiorrhiza root rot by tissue isolation and culture,and 30 pathogenic strains(No. F1—F30)were obtained and identified based on morphological and molecular biological methods. The pathogenicity of different pathogens was further tested by pot inoculation.The results showed that the incidence of root rot of S. miltiorrhiza in Henan Province ranged from 3.5% to 85.0%,with the highest incidence in continuous cropping fields.Moreover, F.usarium solaniF.proliferatum and F.oxysporum could systematically infect the roots of S.miltiorrhiza and caused root rot. The results of pot inoculation tests showed that the pathogenicity of different strains differed,with the strain F21 as a strong pathogenic strain,the strains F2 and F17 as intermediate pathogenic strains,the strains F1,F5,F8,F14 and F15 as weak pathogenic strains,and the strain F25 as a conditional pathogen. In summary,the main pathogens causing root rot disease on S.miltiorrhiza in Henan Province were F.solaniF. proliferatum and F.oxysporum,and the distribution and pathogenicity of the pathogens differed in various production areas
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    Apple Leaf Diseases Identification Based on Improved Residual Network
    CHEN Cong, YU Xiao, GONG Qi
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2023, 52 (4): 152-161.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2023.04.018
    Abstract1013)      PDF (5367KB)(278)       Save
    Apple leaf diseases are similar in morphology and different in spot size,and traditional methods relying on labor and agricultural experts to identify them are inefficient. In view of this,this study proposed an apple disease identification model REP⁃ResNet based on improved residual network.This model was improved by adopting the order adjustment of residual structure(that was bath normalization,activation function,convolutional layer),and adding the efficient channel attention and parallel convolution based on the baseline model ResNet⁃50.During the training process,the model weight parameters pretrained in the public dataset PlantVillage were transferred to the above network model for retraining,which aimed to accelerate the convergence speed of the network and improve the recognition ability of the model.Data expansion was used to solve the problem of uneven samples during training.The results showed that the recognition accuracy of the REP⁃ResNet model was 2.41 percentage points higher than that of the benchmark network model.The model was trained by transfer learning,and the accuracy rate of apple leaf disease recognition in complex backgrounds reached 97. 69%. Compared with traditional convolutional neural networks,the recognition effect was greatly improved.
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    Effects of Different Harvest Time on Yield and Quality of Cigar Leaves
    LU Ruilin, LIU Lulu, HU Xi, YE Keyuan, ZHONG Qiu, ZOU Yuhang, SHI Xiangdong
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2021, 50 (10): 51-59.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2021.10.007
    Abstract351)      PDF (1379KB)(277)       Save
    In order to explore the effects of different harvest periods on the yield and quality of cigar leaves,Dexue No.3 was used as the material to study the differences in water content,physical characteristics,conventional chemical composition content,neutral aroma components content after fermentation and economic traits of cigar leaves harvested in three harvest periods(The middle and upper leaves were harvested for the first time at 70 d and 77 d after transplanting,and then harvested every 10 d,a total of three times)through field experiments and laboratory tests. The results showed that the later harvest,the faster water loss rate of cigar leaves during modulation. When the middle leaves were harvested at 80 d after transplanting,the physical properties such as tensile force and thickness of the fermented leaves were better.In addition,the total nitrogen content decreased by 0.180 percentage points compared with that harvested at 70 d and the nicotine content increased by 0. 450 percentage points compared with that harvested at 90 d after transplanting. At this time,the coordination of chemical components of tobacco leaves was best,and the total amount of aroma substances in tobacco leaves was 17.68% and 5.58% higher than that of 70 d and 90 d after transplanting,respectively.When the upper leaves were harvested at 87 d after transplanting,the physical properties were better after fermentation.The nitrogen‑alkali ratio was 4.926,and the coordination of chemical components of tobacco leaves was best.Moreover,the total amount of aroma components was 16.23% and 1. 88% higher than that of 77 d and 97 d after transplanting,respectively. In addition,the output value of the middle leaves harvested at 80 d after transplanting was 16. 85% and 12.10% higher than that at 70 d and 90 d after transplanting,respectively. The output value of the upper leaves harvested at 87 d after transplanting was 13.57% and 16.52% higher than that at 77 d and 97 d after transplanting,respectively.Therefore,when the Dexue No.3 plants have been transplanted for about 80 d and 87 d,the middle and upper leaves should be harvested respectively to get the best physical characteristics and chemical composition.The cigar leaves also have adequate aroma amount,better sensory quality and the highest output value.
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    Research Progress on Effects of Combined Application of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Soil Fertility and Soil Environment
    LIANG Lu, ZHANG Weijie, XU Bohan, ZHUANG Qiuli, JIANG Xiufang, HUANG Yubo
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2022, 51 (3): 1-11.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2022.03.001
    Abstract705)      PDF (10218KB)(277)       Save
    The technology of replacing part of chemical fertilizer with organic fertilizer is one of the important measures to develop green agriculture and plays a more and more important role.The effects and mechanism of combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil physical and chemical properties,soil microorganisms,soil nitrogen and phosphorus loss and heavy metals in farmland were reviewed,in order to provide theoretical reference for the rational combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers.
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    Analysis of Yield and Quality of Soybean Varieties in Regional Trial in Henan Province from 1985 to 2020
    LI Jinhua, SHU Wentao, CHANG Shihao, YANG Qingchun, ZHANG Donghui, ZHANG Baoliang, GENG Zhen
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2022, 51 (1): 50-59.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2022.01.007
    Abstract534)      PDF (2009KB)(276)       Save
    To study the trend of changes in the yield and quality of soybean varieties approved by Henan Province,we analyzed yield,protein and oil content in regional test of 126 soybean varieties approved by Henan Province from 1985 to 2020. The results showed that the highest yield of certified soybean varieties was 3 438.75 kg/ha,the lowest was 1 973.70 kg/ha,and the average yield was 2 789.40 kg/ha.The average yield of annual certified varieties in regional trials was 1 995.53—3 339.50 kg/ha,and the overall trend was increasing. The protein content of certified soybean varieties was 33.25%—50.18%,with an average of 42.89%,and the average protein content of annual certified varieties was 39.16%—47.29%,showing an overall trend of decreasing. The fat content of the certified soybean varieties was 17.10%—22.85%,with an average of 19.75%.The average fat content of annual certified varieties was17.80%—21.87%,showing an upward trend.The sum of protein and fat content was 50.35%—73.03%,and the sum of protein and fat content of annual certified varieties was 56.96%—69.16%,showing a slow downward trend. There were 25 high‐protein(≥45%)soybean varieties and 14 high‐oil(≥21.5%)soybean varieties among the 126 soybean varieties registered in Henan Province. Correlation analysis showed that soybean yield was extremely significantly negatively correlated with protein content,with a correlation coefficient of -0.310**,and was extremely significantly positively correlated with fat content,with a correlation coefficient of 0.357**. In the future,soybean breeding in Henan Province should pay attention to improvement of the quality based on increasing the yield of varieties to make the coordinated development of yield increase and high quality.

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    Research Progress of Conservation Tillage in China
    QIN Meng, DONG Quanzhong, XUE Hong, ZHANG Mingming, LI Weiwei, SONG Huan, ZHAI Lingxia
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2023, 52 (7): 1-11.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2023.07.001
    Abstract358)      PDF (1252KB)(271)       Save
    Conservation tillage is an environmentally friendly farming model that reduces soil erosion,protects the ecological environment of farmland,and achieves coordinated development of ecological,economic and social benefits by means of less tillage,no⁃tillage and surface mulching of straw.In order to reduce soil erosion,desertification and salinization,soil management methods need to be changed from traditional tillage to protect the soil environment,stabilize food and increase income.This paper introduces the importance of conservation tillage for the sustainable development of agriculture,systematically describes the current development status of conservation tillage,analyzes the key points and difficulties of future development of conservation tillage,and provides an outlook on the future development direction of conservation tillage to provide reference for improving the development system of conservation tillage.

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    Effects of Different Kinds of Plastic Film Mulching on Soil Moisture,Temperature,Foxtail Millet Growth and Yield
    LUO Shiwu, LI Kai, LAI Xingliang, CHENG Bingwen
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2022, 51 (7): 42-50.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2022.07.005
    Abstract197)      PDF (1798KB)(270)       Save
    In the arid and semi‑arid areas of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,three kinds of plastic film mulching treatments including water‑permeable plastic film(T1),biodegradable plastic film(T2)and ordinary plastic film(T3)were set up,with open field(T4)planting as control,and the effects of different kinds of plastic film mulching on soil water content,water use efficiency,soil temperature,foxtail millet growth,yield and economic benefit were studied,so as to provide a theoretical basis for the popularization and application of plastic film mulching cultivation techniques in arid and semi‑arid areas of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.The results showed that compared with T4 treatment,each growth stage of T1 and T3 treatments was earlier,the growth period was shortened by 2 d,and the growth period of T2 treatment was prolonged by 5 d.The soil water content order was T1>T3>T2>T4,and the water use efficiency order wasT1>T3>T2>T4.In general,the soil temperature of plastic film mulching treatments was higher than that of T4 treatment at each growth stage. Overall,plastic film mulching increased soil organic total nitrogen,available nitrogen,available potassium contents. Compared with T4 treatment,the leaf SPAD value and dry matter accumulation of foxtail millet of T1,T2 and T3 treatments increased,T1 treatment was the highest,and T3 treatment was the second. The plant height,spike length,spike neck length,spikelet number per spike,grain weight of main spike,main spike weight,1 000‑grain weight and yield of T1,T2 and T3 treatments increased in different ranges. The overall performance of T1 treatment was the best,followed by T3 treatment.Among them,the yield order was T1>T3>T2>T4.Compared with T4 treatment,the yields of T1,T3 and T2 treatments significantly increased by 22.08%,21.77% and 12.30%respectively,there was no significant difference between T1 treatment and T3 treatment,but they were significantly higher than that of T2 treatment.The output‑input ratio order was T1=T3>T4>T2,and the net income order was T1>T3>T4>T2.The output‑input ratio of T1 treatment was 1.81,and the net income was 9 210.6 Yuan/ha,which was 28.69% higher than that of T4 treatment. In summary,T1 treatment was the best,followed by T3 treatment.

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    Screening of Fungicides for Controlling Fusarium Root Rot of Tobacco
    YAO Chenxiao, LIU Chang, LI Xiaojie, BAI Jingke, XU Min, QIU Rui, CHEN Yuguo, KANG Yebin, LI Shujun
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2022, 51 (4): 87-94.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2022.04.010
    Abstract372)      PDF (2053KB)(269)       Save
    In order to screen out the high‑efficacy and safe mixtures or seed coating agents for the control of Fusarium root rot of tobacco,the indoor activity of 10 chemical fungicides and 10 biopesticides(a total of 20 species)against F.oxysporum,the dominant causal agent of tobacco root rot,was determined by mycelial growth rate method,and their control effect was verified by potting experiment.The results showed that the 20 fungicides all presented different levels of inhibitory effects on F.oxysporum,and the overall inhibitory effect of chemical fungicides was higher than that of biopesticides significantly.Among the chemical fungicides,the EC50 values of 500 g/L fluazinam SC,25% tebuconazole WP,40% difenoconazole SC,and 20% imazalil EW were 0.057 1 μg/mL,0.118 7 μg/mL,0.328 0 μg/mL,and 0.445 9 μg/mL,respectively.Among the biopesticides,the EC50 values of 1.8% abamectin EC,5% carvacrol AS,and 0.01% brassinolide EC were 10.387 0 μg/mL,18.873 2 μg/mL,and 32.343 7 μg/mL,respectively. The results of the pot experiment showed that the control efficacies of fluazinam 8 000 timesdilution,tebuconazole 2 000 times dilution,difenoconazole 1 200 times dilution and brassinolide stock solution were higher,which were 51.51%,75.75%,62.12% and 62.12%,respectively.Therefore,fluazinam,tebuconazole,difenoconazole and brassinolide could be selected as candidates for the further research and development of mixtures and seed coating agents and the rotation use of conventional chemical fungicides and integrated management for tobacco Fusarium root rot in fields.

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    Effects of Combined Stress of High Temperature and Drought on Photosynthetic Physiology of Maize
    WANG Yakun, LI Hongping, XU Zhenzhen, LIU Tianxue
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2023, 52 (5): 17-23.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2023.05.003
    Abstract211)      PDF (2783KB)(265)       Save
    The effect of high temperature(H),drought(D)and combined stress of high temperature and drought(HD)on photosynthetic physiology of maize seedling was studied with high temperature‐tolerant Zhengdan 958(ZD958)and high temperature‐sensitive Xianyu 335(XY335)by pot experiment,so as to provide theoretical basis for breeding of excellent maize varieties resistant to high temperature and drought.The results indicated that compared with CK without stress,the chlorophyll content of ZD958 leaves significantly decreased under stresses,there was significant difference among treatments,and the HD treatment showed the greatest reduction.The change of chlorophyll content of XY335 was consistent with that of ZD958,and the influence was greater.The ratio of chlorophyll a to b in ZD958 leaves increased under D and HD conditions,while it increased for XY335 only under HD condition.The net photosynthetic rate,stomatal conductance,transpiration rate,electron transport rate in ZD958 and XY335 leaves all(even significantly)decreased,D treatment had the greatest changes,and the decrements in ZD958 were more than that in XY335 under D and HD conditions.The activity of phosphoenol‐pyruvate carboxylase(PEPCase) in ZD958 leaves significantly increased under H condition,while no obvious changes of that were observed under D and HD conditions,but the activity of ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase(Rubisco) significantly decreased under D and HD conditions.The activity of PEPCase in XY335 leaves decreased compared with CK under stresses,and the decrement of HD treatment was the greatest.The activity of Rubisco in XY335 leaves significantly decreased compared with CK under stresses,and the decrement of D treatment was the greatest. Overall,D and HD stresses have greater influence on photosynthetic physiology of maize seedling,and different varieties have different responses to the above three kinds of stress.

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    Control Effect of Pyroxasulfone Mixed with Cyanazine on Weeds in Wheat Field
    WU Renhai, XU Hongle, LI Huilong, SUN Lanlan, SU Wangcang, XUE Fei, WANG Qiang, LU Chuantao
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2021, 50 (10): 84-91.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2021.10.011
    Abstract656)      PDF (1386KB)(262)       Save
    To illustrate the control effect of the mixture of pyroxasulfone and cyanazine on weeds in wheat field,indoor activity determination and field plot experiment were set up.The results of indoor test showed that the inhibition medium dose(GR 50)of pyroxasulfone and cyanazine on Alopecurus myosuroides were 1.14 g/ha and 108.43 g/ha,respectively. As mixing with the ratio of 1∶2. 5,1∶5,1∶7. 5,1∶10,the values of cotoxicity coefficient(CTC)were 128.74,127.42,146.52,172.71,which showed that the combination of the two herbicides had synergistic effect at the ratio of 1∶2. 5,1∶5,1∶7. 5,1∶10. When pyroxasutfone was mixed with cyanazine at the ratio of 1∶5,1∶7. 5 and 1∶10,the selectivity indexes against wheat and A. myosuroides were 8. 38,1. 30 and 1. 53 respectively.The results of field plot experiment demonstrated that at 100 days after treatment,the combined use of pyroxasulfone and cyanazine with the ratio of 1∶5 at 540,720,900,1 440 g/ha in field showed above 94% of plant number and fresh weight controt effects to Capsella bursa‑ pastoris and Geranium carolinianum,and 87%—93% to Alopecurus myosuroides,and the wheat yield increased by 14%—21%.In conclusion,the mixture of pyroxasulfone and cycazine at the ratio of 1∶5 is an efficient,broad spectrum and safe herbicide in wheat field.
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    Identification of Crop Leaf Diseases Based on Improved MobileNetV2 Model
    WANG Huanxin, SHEN Zhihao, LIU Quan, LIU Jinjiang
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2023, 52 (4): 143-151.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2023.04.017
    Abstract1124)      PDF (2715KB)(261)       Save
    In order to achieve convenient recognition of crop leaf disease images based on mobile,improve the efficiency of crop disease recognition and thus better guide crop disease control,a crop disease recognition model was established based on an improved lightweight convolutional neural network MobileNetV2.First,a crop dataset containing 15 types of diseased leaves and 4 types of healthy leaves was created and the data was balanced using data enhancement operations.Second,based on the improvement of MobileNetV2,efficient channel attention(ECA)and attentional feature fusion(AFF)were introduced,and the redundant layers were removed by model pruning,and a high⁃performance lightweight crop disease recognition model was proposed.The results showed that the number of parameters of the improved MobileNetV2 model was reduced by 15.37% compared with that of MobileNetV2,while the recognition accuracy was improved by 0.9 percentage points to 98.4% compared with that before the improvement.Compared with the classical convolutional neural network models such as EfficientNet⁃b0 and ShuffleNetV2⁃0. 5X,the improved model not only had the highest recognition accuracy,but also had a faster convergence rate during training.
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    Effect of Planting Density on Stem Strength and Ear Characters of Maize
    XU Lina, AN Zhiliang, CHEN Shilin, ZHANG Huaisheng, JIN Xining, WANG Pingxi
    Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences    2023, 52 (8): 11-17.   DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2023.08.002
    Abstract204)      PDF (1501KB)(259)       Save
    Five planting densities of 67 500(D1),75 000(D2),82 500(D3),90 000(D4)and 97 500(D5)plants/ha were set up to study the effects of planting density on stem strength,ear traits and yield of Baiyu 393,and the relationship between maize plant morphology and stem strength was analyzed,so as to provide theoretical basis and technical guidance for high‑yield cultivation of summer maize in Huang‑Huai‑Hai region.The results showed that as the planting density increased,the ear height and ear height ratio of maize increased,the stem circumference decreased,and there was no significant change in plant height;The stem puncture strength,breaking strength and crushing strength of maize all decreased;The ear length,row number per ear,grain number per row,cob diameter,100‑grain weight and grain number per ear of maize all showed a downward trend,but there was no significant change in ear diameter,while the bald tip length increased;The maize yield first increased and then decreased,D3 treatment was the highest,followed by D2 treatment,the difference between the two treatments was not significant,while D5 treatment was the lowest.There were significant negative correlations between stem puncture strength,breaking strength,crushing strength and ear height,ear height ratio. In summary,when the planting density is 75 000—82 500 plants/ha,the ear height and stem diameter are moderate,the stem quality is good,the ear traits are superior,and the yield is higher.
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