Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences ›› 2024, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (10): 127-137.DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2024.10.014

• Horticulture • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Investigation and Analysis of the Glossiness of Fruit and Its Quality of Ziziphus jujuba‘Lingwuchangzao’

LI Yunmao1,LU Hui2,LI Xiang2,FENG Xuerui1,MA Chong1,ZHANG Yue1,CAO Bing2,3   

  1. (1.College of Wine and Horticulture,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021,China;2.College of Forestry and Prataculture,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021,China;3.Ningxia Technical College of Wine and Desertification Prevention,Yinchuan 750100,China)
  • Received:2024-02-28 Published:2024-10-15 Online:2024-11-19



  1. (1.宁夏大学葡萄酒与园艺学院,宁夏 银川 750021;2.宁夏大学 林业与草业学院,宁夏 银川 750021;3.宁夏葡萄酒与防沙治沙职业技术学院,宁夏 银川 750100)
  • 通讯作者: 曹兵(1970-),男,宁夏盐池人,教授,博士,主要从事干旱区森林培育与经济林方面的教学与研究。 李翔(1993-),男,宁夏青铜峡人,讲师,博士,主要从事经济林方面的教学与研究。
  • 作者简介:李运毛(1998-),男,云南文山人,在读硕士研究生,研究方向:果树生理生态与高效栽培。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: To explore the quality differences and its influencing factors of Lingwuchangzao different glossiness fruit[high glossiness fruit(S fruit)surface is flat and smooth,fruit shape is typical of long oval,with appearance of good quality;Low glossiness fruit(R fruit)surface is uneven,fruit shape for the top of the fruit is sharply convex or concave,with appearance of poor quality],taking 7 Lingwuchangzao plantations in Lingwu City,Ningxia as the object of investigation,the investigation recorded the tree age,seedling type,jujube hanging thickness,jujube hanging length and other indexes,and collected different glossy fruits(S,R fruits)as the experimental materials,determined its glossiness,single fruit quality,fruit transverse and longitudinal diameter,etc.,and the soluble solids,soluble sugar,vitamin C(Vc),titratable acid content and other intrinsic quality indexes of the fruits and carried out the comparison and correlation analysis.The results showed that different plantations had Lingwuchangzao fruits with different glossiness(S and R fruits),and the ratio of R fruits had a tendency to decrease with the increase of the age of the trees;the glossiness of S fruits was 1.56 times larger than that of R fruits.And single fruit quality,fruit longitudinal and transverse diameter,fruit shape index,fruit skin thickness,pulp thickness,nuclear longitudinal and transverse diameter,single nucleus quality,fruit hardness were all very significantly smaller than R fruits.S fruits had a lower vitamin C content,sugar⁃acid ratio,and solid⁃acid ratio than R fruits.However,there were no significant differences in soluble solids,soluble sugar,titratable acid,anthocyanoside content,and other indexes between the two types of fruits.There was a significant correlation between the ratios of S and R fruits in Lingwuchangzao plantations and various factors such as seedling type,tree age,jujube hanging thickness,leaf chlorophyll content,and others.In summary,Lingwuchangzao plantations have different glossiness fruit(both S fruit and R fruit).The quality of different glossiness fruit has its own advantages and disadvantages:S fruit has the advantages of good appearance quality,normal fruit shape,sweet and sour taste;R fruit has the
advantages of large fruit size,high vitamin C content,good for storage and transportation.

Key words: Ziziphus jujuba‘Lingwuchangzao’, Glossiness, Fruit quality, Tree age, Seedling type

摘要: 为探究灵武长枣不同光泽度果实[高光泽度果实(S果)的表面平整光滑,果形多为典型的长椭圆形,外观品相较好;低光泽度果实(R果)表面凹凸不平,果形多为果顶急剧凸起或凹下,外观品相较差]品质的差异及其影响因素,以宁夏灵武市7个灵武长枣种植园为调查对象,调查记录树龄、苗木类型、枣吊粗、枣吊长等指标,并采集不同光泽度果实(S、R果)作为试验材料,测定其光泽度、单果质量、果实横纵径等果实外观品质指标以及可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、维生素C(Vc)、可滴定酸含量等果实内在品质指标,并对其进行比较和相关性分析。结果表明,不同种植园均有灵武长枣不同光泽度果实(S和R果),且随着树龄的增长,R果比率有降低的趋势;S果的光泽度是R果的1.56倍,且单果质量、果实纵横径、果形指数、果皮厚、果肉厚、核纵横径、单核质量、果实硬度均极显著小于R果;S果的Vc含量、糖酸比和固酸比均小于R果,但两者的可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、可滴定酸、花色素苷含量等指标均无显著差异;灵武长枣S、R果的比率与苗木类型、树龄、枣吊粗、叶片叶绿素含量等因素极显著相关。综上,灵武长枣种植园均存在不同光泽度果实(即S果和R果)。灵武长枣不同光泽度果实品质各有优劣:S果的优势是外观品质好,果型周正,酸甜适口;R果优势则是其果实个大,Vc含量高,利于储存运输。

关键词: 灵武长枣, 光泽度, 果实品质, 树龄, 苗木类型

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