不同IAA 和6-BA 质量浓度组合对甘薯茎尖培养和表型变异的影响
贾礼聪, 王连军, 杨子桐, 商丽丽, 张磊, 邱鹏飞, 王翠娟, 韩俊杰, 辛国胜
Effect of Combinations with Different Concentrations of IAA and 6‐BA on Shoot Tip Culture and Phenotypic Variation of Sweetpotato
JIA Licong, WANG Lianjun, YANG Zitong, SHANG Lili, ZHANG Lei, QIU Pengfei, WANG Cuijuan, HAN Junjie, XIN Guosheng
河南农业科学 . 2023, (12): 42 -48 .  DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2023.12.005