小麦对 Bipolaris sorokinian a黑胚病与苗期叶枯病抗性的相关性
李海泳, 李梦钰, 高闯, 许豪, 殷贵鸿, 董纯豪, 牛吉山, 李巧云
Correlation Analysis between the Resisitance of Wheat to Black Point and Leaf Blight at Seedling Stage Caused by Bipolaris  sorokiniana
LI Haiyong, LI Mengyu, GAO Chuang, XU Hao, YIN Guihong, DONG Chunhao, NIU Jishan, LI Qiaoyun
河南农业科学 . 2023, (8): 96 -104 .  DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2023.08.011